SODIUM — Fair Price Engine™ Alpha Launch

4 min readApr 25, 2022


Hello frens,

Today is a big day for the Sodium team… as it’s the Alpha Launch of the Fair Price Engine™ (FPE)!


Making sure the FPE works as it should is a key first step to building a great DeFi NFT liquidity protocol.

So far, it’s taken us a few months, a couple of GPUs, and hundreds (thousands? we’ve lost count…) of attempts to get our Neural Network to learn how to accurately estimate NFT prices. After slapping together a simple website and FPE interface, we’re finally ready to have you take a look.

Why does SODIUM have a Fair Price Engine in the first place?

SODIUM is a non-custodial decentralized liquidity market protocol that enables users to effortlessly lend, borrow and earn interest with their digital assets. The FPE is our proprietary, automatic NFT asset pricing system.

We’re not going to cover the technical aspects of the FPE in this post, as our dev team has barely had time to eat recently, let alone put pen to paper for an article, but in the meantime, you can read our ELI5 intro to the FPE here.

… or, as you seem like the type of person who likes to get their hands dirty, secure a Whitelist spot for Alpha Access and try out the FPE for yourself! Just follow the steps below…

How to get Alpha access to the FPE?

⓵・We’re going to need you to hop on our Discord server and head to the #Whitelist Channel.
⓶・Send your Ethereum address to the bot (no, we won’t list your address anywhere without your permission!) — and then, believe it or not, you should be good to go!
③・Now, having secured your spot on our exclusive Whitelist, you can visit, launch the Sodium app, connect your Metamask (or any other preferred wallet), and voilà! Access to the Fair Price Engine unlocked!

You’ll be able to select from listed collections (fewer than we had hoped for, unfortunately 🥲), with metrics calculated using FPE data;

Choose any collection to start browsing estimations of individual tokens.

After choosing a collection, you’ll be brought to the collection’s estimation page.

Now simply enter the #ID of the token you wish to see an estimation for and BAM! it’ll be there.

As the FPE uses objective market metrics to estimate a unique price for each NFT within a collection, we know the engine seems like it could be very helpful when trying to determine undervalued listings for sniping high above floor prices or assessing potential trades.
The estimated price is an objective price for a digital asset given the moment it is requested; due to the high amount of input data and required computing power, the FPE currently re-estimates prices every 2 hours.

Please keep in mind it’s only an early Alpha version, and not ready yet for commercial release. Thus, we do not recommend using it as a financial tool!


While trying out the FPE, you’ll encounter some bugs or inaccurate estimations — but that’s the whole point of this Alpha launch, to have you help us test it out!

We invite you to participate in our FPE Alpha launch, invite your frens & show us some love on your socials — and of course, please don’t hesitate to send us any feedback or suggestions as to how we can make SODIUM better…

We highly appreciate your active support; and we promise we won’t forget those who helped us early on (after all, we have your Ethereum address!).


What’s next for the FPE?

We are working on incorporating natural language processing in order to better understand the traits, as well as image recognition to pick up certain patterns when trait analysis is not precise enough. In addition, our team is working on advanced data filtering with blockchain transaction coverage to be able to determine and filter our activity by market manipulators. Lastly, we are also planning on launching an incentivized FPE validation campaign, the end result of which will mean Crowd Mind validation combined with our Neural Network analysis, hopefully leading to even greater estimation accuracy.

Want To Learn More?

Read these documents if you want to learn more about SODIUM and our plans for future development.

Got questions?

If you have any questions feel free to join our discord, reach out to our team directly, or message us on Twitter.


